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Service: Brand identity + interactive design  |  2022   

Learn. Trust. Invest.


CandleStix is an Internet-based investment company that teaches investors how to use candlestick charts to make more informed decisions about when to buy and sell stocks. Our proprietary candlestick charting software is designed to help you identify patterns in the market that can lead to profitable trades.


We believe everyone should have access to the tools and information they need to succeed in the stock market. That's why we offer our educational resources for free. Our courses are taught by experienced traders who can help you learn the fundamentals of technical analysis and how to use candlestick charts to your advantage.

Logo branding candlesticks
Metricas y espacios logo Candlestixs
Tipografía principal branding candlestixs
Montaje Candlestixs online
Tipografía secundaria Candlestixs
Montaje valla publicitaria Candlestixs
Montaje tarjetas de presentacion Candlestixs
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